No?? Ok. If you saw this post in your feed and clicked its link, you probably ended up right here and didn't see anything new. HOWEVER. I have added/changed stuff in my design and I'm so excited!!
And I really want you to have a look and tell me what you think.
So, I added a FRONT PAGE to my blog which means that if you go to you will see it first (instead of my blog home). Also, I changed the look of my pages, removing the SIDEBAR so that they look more like professional pages rather than blog pages lol
I did all this cos I SUDDENLY HAD AN OBSESSION TO REDO SOMETHING and I wanted to be a tad more pro XD (and yeah, it took me like three days and reading countless sites and tearing out my hair over html.)
The cool thing is that if you click my header it'll still take you right to my BLOG HOME and not the front page (like it wanted to do at first), so that you won't have to run around in circles.
In essence the only NEW THING is that my front page exists at the front, and my blog is still perfectly intact XD
NOW. ON TO THE ACTUAL POST. aka the shared wip tag in which I talk about my storyworld and side characters ...

Introduce the main antagonist of your book!
GLYNIS - the governess :
aunt to Adam. first female governor of the island. aka tyrannical dictator. never gives up. strong. stone heart. succeed or die. "i carry this island on my shoulders."
when they said to her, "governess meant a teacher in the old days," she replied, "stop living in the past. this is the present. besides which, i'm going to teach you to survive." therefore she has been called governess, because "it's the female version of governor".
she never should have been the ruler. it was meant to be her brother (adam's father). but he died and she got what she'd always wanted.
she succeeded her father and was going to be the best leader that ever existed.
[some people might disagree.]

What do you (the writer) have in common with the antagonist?
obviously I modeled her after myself and my amazing skills at being a tyrannical older sister and making my younger siblings do all the work for me ...
*ponders* Maybe ... I relate to her in the great desire to succeed, to be the best, to keep going and never give up.
Maybe? I mean, I hope I'm not as obsessive as she is *awkward laughter*

What do you not have in common?
She lives in a future era where most of humanity has died / I do not
She has raised a nephew / I have not
She's the leader of an island / I am not
She's very harsh / and I am hopefully not
She probably doesn't care much for people other than that they SURVIVE / and I ... do
She's an adult and / I am not
She was a youngest kid / and I am not

What does your antagonist do when he/she is mad? Do they have a soft spot?
When my antagonist is mad she ... yells. Shouts. Screams. I mean ... really. Her temper goes up, her voice goes up. She yells at Adam mostly - about how he's always studying geography when he should be learning to be like *her*.
Her soft spot is any mention of her parents. She wanted to please them so badly but they never had eyes for her ... unfortunately.

Who is your antagonist’s worst enemy? What is their greatest fear?
My antagonist's worst enemy is circumstances that go beyond her control. And that's her greatest fear too. Things happening that she cannot fix, that she cannot change, that she cannot bring back to normal. This must be the reason she is so infuriated with Rae ...

What is your antagonist’s weapon of choice?
Definitely a gun. *nods*

How would your antagonist surprise your reader?
... this sounds suspiciously like a spoiler-divulging question ...

What is one thing your villain would never do?
That would be a long list ...
/ she would never get married,
/ she would never have kids,
/ she would never go visit anyone in town,
/ she would never tramp through the forest for no reason,
/ she would never do anything *just for fun*,
/ she would never give up on anything she's doing
/ she would never hug Adam,
/ she would never let him bring an animal home,
/ she would never let him be a geographer,
/ she would never let him marry anyone she doesn't like,
/ and most importantly SHE WOULD NEVER EVER KILL HIM.
She could and might do a lot of other horrible things but she would never kill Adam.

What lie does your antagonist believe about the MC?
Haha. The Governess believes that Adam ... is kind of useless. So far he hasn't shown any signs of toughness or sternness and no interest in being a leader or an enforcer of the law. All he wants to do is read book and draw maps and tramp through the forest and feed animals and build a boat.
He wants to explore the ocean.
And the Governess thinks he's doing all this just for fun and that he has no idea what he's doing.
Well, she's dead wrong XD

What is your favorite thing about your antagonist?
Hmmmm ... I rather like the fact that she's got an explosive temper and pretty much throws tantrums whenever I need her to. Makes her more exciting than those *calm, cool, and calculated* villains who are annoyingly clever.

If your antagonist was your MC, what would your book look like?
Very interesting, as matter of fact. It would start out when she was young and trying so hard to do everything how her parents wanted her brother to ... and how she grew all cynical and hard and when her brother died, her father was forced to see her for all she was worth. And then she ... became what she is today.
And still she isn't happy.
Then Sammy comes and disrupts everything she built and she goes into a panic and ... yeah. Sammy is still very important in this version of the story.
*is inspired to write a companion novella*

OK, and that's one more week over *SWOOSH* be sure to check out the blogs of these amazing people :
Jules @ Saver of Memories
Nicole @ Legend of a Writer
Ceci @ Ceci Creates
Gray @ Writing is Life
Julia @ Lit Aflame
Jem @ Jem Jones, Writer
Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer
Brooklyne @ Showers of Blessings
Ariel @ Scribes and Archers
Keturah @ Keturah’s Korner
Sarah @ Pen of a Ready Writer
how is nanowrimo (or your other writing projects) going, my dudes? i'd love to know!!
(and don't forget to give me feedback on my blog improvements)
(and don't forget to give me feedback on my blog improvements)
Your blog improvements look great! :D I love the cat picture tehee. xD
ReplyDeleteThe more I hear of this story the more I'm intrigued and desperate to read it!!
Ooh, I love how well-developed your antagonist is! She sounds fascinating.
ReplyDeleteEleanor | On the Other Side of Reality
Oh! She sounds like someone I would like, I love villains who have backgrounds like yours does. =D
ReplyDeleteI DON'T KNOW WHY THIS SOUNDS SO FUNNY. xD I spent the last five minutes laughing my head off (it's not you... it's me being a little insane).
ReplyDeleteI love this!! also that home page is super awesome and cute! <3
ReplyDeleteSimply Me
Love the changes, and your antagonist sounds awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love the new home page!
ReplyDelete(Also, your villain sounds really really cool!)
I LOVE THE KITTY!!!! 100% approve
ReplyDeleteAlso, Glynis sounds super cool and I love villains that have reasons and character and history and you've done such a great job with her!!
Cool set up on your blog. Sounds like a good antagonist. My WIP has going been slow lately need to start writting again.
"I carry this island on my shoulders" < so is this like 'responsibility corrupts'?? (but she's a youngest kid! how does she have this "I WILL BEAR ALL THE BURDEN" attitude, only we eldest siblings can have that xP)
ReplyDelete"How would she surprise your reader?" "-well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise-" ;D
- Jem Jones
Hey Lisa! Just letting you know that I tagged you for the Cover Love Tag.