HEY! Today is a post of a different sort - IT'S A SURPRISE FOR KELLYN ROTH (whom you all probably know). The idea belongs to Ang, and she got us together to write a bunch of letters about what Kell is to us. So everyone, enjoy reading those below and Kell, when you read this, WE LOVE YOUUUU!!
Dear Kelly,
Sometimes I will start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. But you finish those sentences. You, my beautiful friend, are the Dwight to my Michael. (Only you’re prettier. And we’re women.) No matter the weather, you’re there for it all, and I thank you. Thank you for our talks about Jesus. Thanks for the rants and rambles about fiction and life and everything in between. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for your support.
I could give a pretty long list of why you’re awesome but I’ll list 3 reasons. 1.) You’re God’s kiddo. 2.) You’re my friend. 3.) You’re a redhead. Just kidding, that’s not reason 3. Reason 3 is because you promised me Harrington. Haha.
I love you, girl. God’s with you through it all and I’m honored to be a part of your life.
Angie Watts

You’re the first indie teen I read a book by, you made me realize I could write. I remember reading the last page of The Dressmaker’s Secret and swiping to your bio . . . I was shocked when I saw that a girl my age had written it, yeah, I still haven’t finished writing a book but I will. Thanks for the encouragement and support as well as the late night sprints!
I’ve been scarce since I left The Young Writer’s Workshop and we haven’t talked much but your blog posts are as good as ever if not better. Yeah, I’m totally writing this too late . . . I still hope you like the letter, night!

Dear Kellyn,
Surprise! It has been a while since you have heard from me. This time I am the one writing you a letter (Shiv says hi to Jordy!). I have always admired your writing and your determination. Your characters are always so real!

Hey Kell,
I remember first meeting you on the Young Writers Workshop. You’ve definitely come a way since then. I know it’s hard being an indie author in your genre, but keep fighting, okay? You rock, and I know I’ll be seeing you around on the web.

Dear Kell,
“Yes, I know Kellyn Roth.” This is the first sentence I remember hearing about you years ago, by one author to another. When you later joined The Chatter Box, I was blessed to begin that getting-to-know-you process for myself. I'd love to share three ways knowing you has blessed me.
You’re dedicated. In every area of life I’ve seen—writing, editing, publishing, your walk with God, business, and more—you don’t just get ideas, you act on them, and when you have a goal, you pursue it. What an inspiring example.
You’re positive. Wow. Your joyful attitude is such a blessing. In every circumstance, you give thanks - and in so doing, you accomplish God’s will for your life (1 Thess. 5:18).
You’re humble. You’re honest about your weak points (no need to hide you’re human!) without being self-deprecating. You’re willing to learn and not afraid to ask questions! And so you’re able to receive God’s grace.
There’s much more, but these are just a few areas where I see Christ especially strongly in you. Keep seeking first God’s kingdom, and I promise (God promises!) all other things shall be added for you. And today I’m so blessed to be able to say for myself, “I know Kellyn Roth.”
Blessings to you!
Erika Mathews

Hiya Kell!
If I were to play a game of describing every fellow artist I know, the first word that'd come to mind for you would be "inspiring." Because it's true. Ever since we came across each other on the YWP NaNoWriMo forums, and then later online (which was, truly, a miracle in itself!), you've been such an amazing inspiration to me. And no doubt many of the other young writers you know feel the same way. True thought is in every blog post, every beautiful story you write for us and for God. You’re a part that can never be replaced in our community. :)
Wishing you the best in every blessing,
~ Merie

Dear Kell,
Keep blogging and writing books! They're encouraging and inspiring to so many people in the blogosphere and indie author world around you!! I love reading your posts with your perspective on different topics... they always make me think! (I also love reading your ranty reviews on Goodreads! 😝) I think you were one of the people who inspired me to start writing my own books. Before 2018, I had no idea teen girls around my age even wrote books!! It's pretty fun. Anyway, never forget the gifts God has given you.

Dear Kellyn,
I don’t have much to say except thank you. Thanks for being a homeschooled, historical fiction indie author friend. I love reading your books, yes, but I value your friendship and helpful blog posts even more. Keep growing in the Lord!
Hanna Kraft

We don’t know each other well, but I just wanted to give you a shout-out for your amazing cover design! You’re an inspiration to indie authors and freelance cover designers alike!
~Kaitlyn Krispense

Dear Kell,
I hope you know that I love you SO much. Like CRAZY much. Even though sometimes I don’t see you for long long stretches of time, you’re one of my bestest buddies and I appreciate you for all that you do.
You’re a seriously inspiring person—competent, organized, and wicked creative. I don’t know how you get everything done that you do (writing buttloads of awesome books, running multiple blogs and social media accounts, running A LEGIT BUSINESS, TEACHING CLASSES, having ANOTHER JOB on the side, AND MORE?!?!??), but my current theory is it’s some sort of blood magic.
Thank you for being you, for sticking to your values, and for being an awesome friend.
I hope your summer’s going good!!!!!

Dear Kellyn,
I could say a lot of things. I could say thank you for your determination to make it into the publishing world (which you have done, considerably well), that I admire your blog posts and your books and you, that your puppies are ADORABLE, that it’s crazy to think how you’re juggling teaching and a business and writing and another job when the rest of us are still struggling with algebra---- and all of that woulda been true.
But for today, the person I wanna acknowledge is Kell. Not the author, or teacher, or business professional persay, just Kell the person. Y’know, the one that’s not afraid to speak her mind, or stand up for something she believes in. The one that enjoys a good romance. The one that likes pink but doesn’t consider herself that much of a girly girl (what a weird label anyhow). The one that’s struggling. And going through a lot. And having hard times at times. And hasn’t let life crush her- yet. This turned out surprisingly dark but you know what I’m trying to say. XD Thank you for being you.
That’s… that’s all I got.

Hi Kell,
When I first heard about you I thought, wow that is a weird name, then as I got to know you a little bit better(mostly through blog tours and your instagram) I’’ve seen that you are also a really cool person and an interesting writer. My first thought however remains, you have an interesting name.

Hi Kellyn,
You’re pretty amazing, you know that? I watch from afar as you start businesses and publish books and mentor writers — including me. Thanks for helping with my random, frantic indie publishing questions and for being an amazing formatter.
Truly. You were an answer to so many prayers when it came to publishing my first book. :)
I know you are a valued member of YWW, and have halped so many young writers more than you think. Keep being such an amazing friend, writer, and ecourager. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us.
In Christ,

Dear Kellyn,
You, my adorable friend, are a flash of fireworks in a dark night, a rainbow amongst clouds, and a highlight in my online life! When I first joined the social media a few years ago, I couldn’t have anticipated all the amazing people I would meet . . . and you were one of them. I love your hilarious sense of humor (you never fail to make me laugh!) and your down to earth positivity. You are a constant bright spot, no matter where you are shining. You are strong, funny, quirky, and one of a kind. Thank you for all the thoughtful conversations, all the laughter, and all the gifs. The Thanksgiving / Christmas wars would have certainly never been the same without you! *wink* Congratulations on the incredible journey you have had so far and best wishes on all that is ahead for you. I’m so proud of the wonderful Christian young woman that you are. May His perfect path be clear to you always! I praise God for the blessing of Kellyn Roth.
Love, Allison Tebo

Hey Kellyn,
When I first heard that there were Christian fiction authors, I actually found you through Angela Watts and from there; starting following your journey writing and encouraging other writers. I just wanted to thank you for your encouraging words and helping me understand that Christian fiction and historical fiction are more than just "boring."
Thanks to you, I've started taking my own writing seriously and even if that isn't what I do for a living, I know that I can create a book that speaks to people.
Thank you so much,
Joshua Reid

Hey Kellyn,
You, girl, are awesome. I don't know how you do it -- working, writing A LOT, running a business complete with contractors, and being that epic all at once...when most folks your age are walking with knocking knees to their first college classes or trying to figure out where they're going in life. You know that's right (cue Burton Guster/Dule Hill voice). When I first "met" you, albeit only online, I was amazed to find out that you weren't even a high school graduate yet, since you seemed so mature and professional. You're an inspiration, not only to your readers, but to your community and the online writing community (communities?) as well. Watching you do your thing on the interwebs is always pretty awesome and inspiring -- I hope you know how special and influential you are, just by being you, because that's pretty fantastic.
Keep the faith and keep being you! :)
Michaela Bush

We've never met, and the most interaction we've had is through comments on your blog and social media. But I still remember when I first heard of your existence.
I was sitting in a choir practices and the lady next to me turned to me. She knew I was an avid reader (book lovers, unite!) and was telling me about the surprisingly good book she had read by a young author that she thought I would love. it was the first Chronicles of Alice and Ivy book, and she was amazed by it. She told she only picked it up because a homeschooler wrote it, and she didn't even know homeschoolers could write.
Not knowing I was a homeschool graduate, I sat and listened (trying not to laugh) at her explanations about homeschooling and how you had broken all of the molds she had concocted in her mind about it.
And that sent me on a quest to discover who this girl was. And I found your books, and I found your blog, and I have been blessed and encouraged by both.
Kellyn, I love the way you deal with tough issues, and you don't shy away from them. Your blog has more than once encouraged me when I am struggling. Your books are ones I turn to when I need the comfort of old friends. And, more than that, your writing always point me towards Christ as the ultimate answer, and I have been thankful for it.
Please, continue to share your writing with the world. We need more of what you have to offer the world, more of the beauty you see and capture in the black and white words that you put down onto paper. We need more of your fearlessness to tackle the issues that people tend to ignore, and to bring clarity and light to them.
Thank you, for being such a fearless, bold writer.
With Joy,
Kaitlyn S.

Dear Kell,
I can't even quite remember how we first met - it must have been on Goodreads somehow - but it feels like I've known you my entire blogging life (which is a mere two years haha) or that our getting to know each other was so slow and easy that the line between not knowing and being friends has been blurred to indistinguishable. (<< wow what a sentence)
Anyhow I'm so incredibly blessed and honored and happy to know you. You inspire me so much. You're so real - like you don't put on airs - and so accomplished and almost superhuman at the same time that I just … both look up to you and yet don't feel like I do? Does that make sense? Maybe not. Moving on …
Some favorite memories :
- Signing up for review copies of your books for the first time without knowing what they were about (?!) and being skeptical when I saw their premise
- But being totally sucked in and ridiculously impressed and 100% convinced of your skills
- You joining us for the journey of TGMSH even though it's been slacking a lot haha. I'm just so honored to have you on as consultant with all your experience
- Fighting over Little Women 😑
- Your post about why experienced bloggers should be nice to new bloggers
- Seeing Reveries & Co. grow from scratch (#proud)
- My dad complimenting you without knowing who you are bc I told him about Reveries & Co. being started by a 17 yo and he was just, wow this girl is so entrepreneurial (that's the right word, right??) and I was like 👍
- Being in the same cabin for two camp nanos
Anyway. Just want to say it's a pleasure to be your friend and here's to many more years of knowing each other. May God continue to bless you, dear girl.

Hey Kellyn!
I'll be honest, all I can think of to tell you is this: Just immerse yourself in the Word and pray.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
- Philippians 4:4-8
(Here's a few others too: Proverbs 3:5-6 / Psalm 139:23-24 / 1 Peter 5:6-9)
I'll be praying for you,
Hannah K

Dear Kellyn,
You were the first ever teen author that I encountered. Before that, I didn’t even realise that people could pursue their writing dreams from a young age. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me with your books, your awesome blog posts, and your life in general. God’s going to bless you for everything you’ve done and for everything you will do.
Keep making people smile!
Medomfo xxx

Dear Kellyn,
It’s been such a joy to work with you and develop a friendship over the time we’ve known each other. You are such a talented and creative young lady and I’m proud to call you friend! May God so richly bless you this year and every coming year. Hugs and happiest of birthdays to you, girlie! Oh, and welcome to the 18 Club.
Sarah Grace Grzy

Dear Kellyn,
Even though we have hardly had any interaction with each other, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your love for Jesus shine through your blog and your writing. I have enjoyed the few times that we have talked. You have also inspired me a lot since you were one the first teen writers I meet when I joined Goodreads 2 years ago. I cannot wait to see how God uses you next in your life. I hope you continue to be bold and blog what God puts on your heart because you are not only an encouragement to those around you but also a great inspiration for others to be bold.
Thank you for everything that you do and I pray you continue to be a light in this dark world!
In Christ,
Abigail Harder

I think we don't need a post script for these. I'll let the letters speak for themselves.
Happy Sunday everyone. xx lisa