hey guys, last week I participated in an even called Crazy Writing Week, and though y'all would enjoy hearing about it ... XD
tuesday, may 12.

tuesday, may 12.
when I opened my inbox in the morning I saw I had an email from Brett Harris (I'm subscribed to him) so I skimmed over it. it said something about a "crazy writing challenge" that lasted for week and was totally free.
nice, thanks, I'll think about it, I thought, which was another way of saying, I would forget about it within the next five minutes.
I moved on with the emails and saw one from Kellyn Roth about the same subject, so I took a moment longer to read it. I clicked the link just to see what was going on and the website said,
- it was free
- you'd be working in teams, competing against others (!!)
- and there would be prizes
(although I completely didn't see the prizes part at the time)
they had me at TEAMS COMPETING. I've done Nanowrimo and competed against a word count but never against someone else, and since I'm a rather competitive person, I was sold, and immediately signed up ON PURE WHIM.
did I regret it two minutes later?
yes I did. I am so busy, what Do I thINk I aM DoINg?
then I remembered some of the things I am busy doing are writing related and would count for the challege, so I didn't regret my desicion for long.
other things that occured ...
- some people were doing a 13 sentence story challenge but I skipped it because
- it looked difficult
- and I was busy
- met some old friends and some new people and fangirled about Narnia
- somehow convinced Snapper to join
wednesday, may 13.
when I signed up I was expecting multiple groups of 10 to 15 people, NOT two groups of about 300 members each. with 300 members in one group, you cannot, in any possible way, get to know all your team mates (especially not in a week). it was interesting to see little groups forming within the huge group - people who already knew each other and people who'd just gotten to know each other - banding together and having fun and chatting and sprinting.
speaking of sprinting, here's how the whole contest system works:
- the website is set up like a forum
- when you write, you must log the time and word count in the "sprinting" space (basically, post when you start, and then update when you stop)
- after you've done that, you need to fill in a google form, filling in all the information again, so that the leaders can keep track of things
- you also have to link to the post, because it acts as proof that you did actually write
- the two teams (Lions and Wolves) compete
- there are prizes unlocked with each new level of writing reached (certain word count/hour count)
some little things:
- coming back to 203 notifications at one point because if you even so much as like a post, you'll be notified of every single comment on it
- and sometime you just happen to like a very popular post
- “I need to stop getting so distracted by all the notifications!” ~ Alex the Mouse Defender
- somehow managing to get a 1600 word short story rewritten as 1300 words - editing it - sending it to two beta readers - going through the beta responses
- changed my profile photo to a lion (#peerpressure)
- “Never has an aggravatingly short story been so fun” ~ Jana, Keeper of the Penguin Waffles
- fought Snapper and lost
- "I feel tired" ~ Terah
- ok, but same ^^
total amount I wrote: 1,500 words
thursday, may 14
I edited in the morning, and logged science notes about plant classification as words. I squeezed in a full flash fiction in 45 minutes just before dinner time. it was one that I've been meaning to write for a while, called "The Ghost Boy".
Snippet of the day:
“What exactly is your ability?”
“I …” Kae cleared her throat, which felt strangely tight. “I feel pain.”
“Are you all right, Miss Ruve?”
“No. I mean, yes. But not like that. It's my ability—I feel pain.”
~ "what pain feels like"
total amount I wrote: 1,700
friday, may 15
a good day for writing! some geniuses in our group started a "official lion's sprint" thread that was updated with new half hour sprint times for eight hours+ straight, and helped centralize writing and encourage other members. because we're stronger together, to quote Trollhunters, my newest obsession. (also, Mr. Strickler is inspiring me to write anti heros, somehow xD).
little things:
- 1,114 words in 30 minutes isn't bad
- yesterday's short story typed up
- science chapter finished
- editing a previous story for future publication
- Snapper turned into a squirrel - one of the noncompeting members who just sprint for the sake of writing, not winning XD
total amount I wrote: 2,200
saturday, may 16
I surprised myself. decided to do almost nothing but write write and write because the weekend is one time when I don't have to do school. so I took a notepad with me into the car when I went out, and when I had to wait, I wrote. plotted my book according to the three act story structure (thanks, Abbie). outlined, rewrote old stories, just smashed those words down.
total words I wrote: 5,110
leading team: WOLVES
sunday, may 17
my best writing day of all. I think I barely did anything else useful other than write write write. I was actually aiming for 10k, but that's an awful lot. I actually felt like this was the furthest I'd ever pushed my creative limits ... I actually felt that well of insipiration running dry for the day.
total words I wrote: 6,730
leading team: WOLVES
monday, may 18
kind of a terrible writing day ... it was a holiday and so I didn't do much school work to count either. however, I deserved the break XD
total words I wrote: 1,338
leading team: IT'S A TIE
tuesday, may 19
LAST DAY. I did my best and churned out 3,660 words - including very random plot ideas, outlines, premises, and super short stories.
AND ok the site was so crowded at the time of the winner announcements that the website actually crashed for a few minutes XD sadly, the Wolves won :( but I'm not acutally sad. we still won prizes XDD
total words I wrote: 3,660
winning team: WOLVES
leading team: WOLVES

I surprised myself. decided to do almost nothing but write write and write because the weekend is one time when I don't have to do school. so I took a notepad with me into the car when I went out, and when I had to wait, I wrote. plotted my book according to the three act story structure (thanks, Abbie). outlined, rewrote old stories, just smashed those words down.
- wrote a flash fic fanfic about my own unfinished novella ??
- about the characters in the future!!
- called "Like Grim Death"
- it's a treasure hunting jungle adventure
- with a lot of teeth involved
total words I wrote: 5,110
leading team: WOLVES
sunday, may 17
my best writing day of all. I think I barely did anything else useful other than write write write. I was actually aiming for 10k, but that's an awful lot. I actually felt like this was the furthest I'd ever pushed my creative limits ... I actually felt that well of insipiration running dry for the day.
- got a lot of words written thanks to journaling (literally the easiest way to get words down lol)
- also today we finished the Trollhunters final episodes (still recovering from that :'))
- trying to write an assasin story called "Death Sounds Like Silence" but didn't finish it because I got stuck XD
- however, I was stuck on the plot line of another short story and then I had a dream that solved the problem (?) so I quickly wrote that down (it's called "The Taste of Truth")
- also yes, some of these are following Havok themes xD
leading team: WOLVES
monday, may 18
kind of a terrible writing day ... it was a holiday and so I didn't do much school work to count either. however, I deserved the break XD
total words I wrote: 1,338
leading team: IT'S A TIE
tuesday, may 19
LAST DAY. I did my best and churned out 3,660 words - including very random plot ideas, outlines, premises, and super short stories.
- took science notes like crazy
- although the topic of science was slightly weird - how the life functions of invertebrates work
- wrote a mini story called "Picture Perfect" based on an ancient prompt from Jem
- also wrote another story called "The Girl Who Sat Still"
AND ok the site was so crowded at the time of the winner announcements that the website actually crashed for a few minutes XD sadly, the Wolves won :( but I'm not acutally sad. we still won prizes XDD
total words I wrote: 3,660
winning team: WOLVES
all in all - it was a good week. I wrote a lot. my personal calculations say I wrote 21.7 k, but the official word count from CWW says I wrote 29.4 k (and 24.75 hours o_O). I'm most amazed by the fact that I churned out about 7 short stories in 7 days. the prizes for the week's word include some incredible classes on writing ... an some silly VeggieTales songs sang by Brett Harris XDD in fact, I'm still trying to catch up on claiming all the prizes ack. I have learned a lot and made new friends and am so grateful for this opportunity. hope it becomes annual ... then y'all can join too next time!!
what have you been up to this week? let me know below!
xx lisa
Wow, that sounds like an awesome experience! I really enjoyed reading all your descriptions of the days - now I have motivation to write. XD Great post, Lisa - and I really hope this becomes annual, too, because I definitely want to participate next year! :D
ReplyDeleteI shall let you know for sure if it does!! Thanks for the comment Nicole <3
DeleteSounds quite fun. I've just started a story that was only suppose to be a short story now it is about 3,000 words long. :)
I relate to this experience XD sometimes stories grow on their own lol
DeleteSounds like fun. Congrats on all the words!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU !!
DeleteOKAY THIS SOUNDS SUPER DUPER FUN. I hope this is a thing again soon, because I would totally join in!
ReplyDelete((I shall be sure to let you know if it comes again!!))
DeleteELEANOR if you see this comment in your email can you send me a message cos I just heard CWW is starting up again and if you want to join now's your chance (although I'm skipping this time bc of busy life lol)
DeleteI am trying to follow along with all this haha it is a lot but I love the sound of it
ReplyDeleteahdkahadls sorry I know it's a bit ... of a long post XDD thank you for sticking around and commenting V!!