All Good Things Must Come to an End

My dears, I'm not sure how many of you are reading this after all this time of long silence, but if you're still sticking around to hear what I have to say, I am deeply honored. When I started this blog, I never thought about how it would end, just like when you are a child, you don't really think about how you'll die. But it's the end now, and while it's a little sad, we all must grow and move on, as you may have by now concluded by looking at what once was our corner of the blogosphere. But never fear! There's far greater things ahead than any we have left behind, to quote C. S. Lewis from my memory (< undoubtedly its not accurate word for word). 

The point is, my Inkwell blogging days are over. And I just wanted to let you know, clearly and shortly, because there are so many bloggers I loved who vanished without a word and I think loyal followers deserve at least a word. I'm not saying goodbye, you can find me still, in the depths of the internet, on ig, my website, or working at TCKs for Christ. Send me a message any time, or dm me to become penpals. I basically live on Discord, so if you are active, lemme know below and let's be friends!

Last but not least, I think I still want to keep in touch, so I'll convert my Mailchimp blog notification emails into a newsletter. Subscribe in the sidebar (where it says SUBSCRIBE) if you want to stay connected!

I have loved you all, and I still love you all, and I will love you all, forever & always.

cheers, now & forever.



  1. *sniff* As much as I will miss you, I'm glad you came back to say goodbye. Hope to still see you round the blogosphere, if not, many blessings to you!

    1. awww, thank u so much!! it's sad to leave such a fun era of life behind but I'll forever treasure everything about the experience and everything you've been to me *hugs* I'll definitely hang around!!

  2. *hugs* I'll definitely miss you (though my blogging presence has been spotty at best too XD) but I'll see you on Discord then! ;)

    1. yesss, me too *hugs* but we'll have a lot of fun in the writing group for sure!!

  3. the end of an era--wow! I miss the old days often, but I look forward to the new chapters of all of our lives, I wish you the best on yours <3

    1. I feel the same :') it's kind of bittersweet but as I think to myself often, nothing makes me happier than seeing all of you living life to the fullest, even if it means not being in touch the same way as before. love uuuuuu <33 thanks for stopping by to wish me well!

    2. I love you and miss you! It makes me happy to see everyone doing so many big things too, even if from afar. <33

  4. I usually only use Discord for work, but since they made it easier to switch between accounts, I may take you up on your offer to stay in touch via Discord. I know this new season of your life is going to be amazing and hold great things!

    1. thank u for ur kind words + comment!! I love the faith u have in me hehe do hit me up sometime! i'm lis_ellie #4403 and I do have a writing group on there if u want to join us!! <3

  5. ahhh I haven't been around in basically forever but I'm really glad I saw this post! You are still in my mind as one of the people who was around fairly early on when I started blogging, so there's a real sort of nostalgia in this post. I hope you enjoy growing into your new paths in life!! :D

    and I'm not great with starting convos, but I'll definitely jump onto discord and say hi there! <3


YOUR COMMENTS MAKE MY DAY <333 I try my best to reply to them all, so check back soon, and let's start a conversation.
